1:1 Mentoring for Overwhelmed Christian Solopreneurs

Deeply personalized business + marketing mentoring that helps you work with more of your dream clients + live a more intentional life.

Are you struggling with business clarity or feeling overwhelmed by all the possible marketing strategies?

How do you know which strategies to choose, + how do you know if they are working? And what do you do when marketing is more of an energy drainer than something that excites you?

Are you struggling with imposter syndrome, shiny object syndrome, perfectionism, fear of failure, + other mindset struggles like these? Maybe you know exactly what you need to do, but struggle to not let your fears + doubts lead you in your business.

When it comes to operating your business, do you feel alone + wish you had someone to turn to for business strategies, support, guidance, + prayer?
Are you lacking clarity in what to do + the confidence to make it all happen, + want someone you can turn to for all of your business struggles (+ joys) with someone who gets it?

Do you feel confident that the Lord has brought you to your business, but yet struggle with clarity on how to bring it to full fruition? How do you design or grow your business in a way that is simplified, personalized, + profitable, all while selling with love + integrity?

Does any of that sound like your experience as a Christian solopreneur?

If it does, can I encourage you that there is wisdom in recognizing that it’s okay if you don’t know everything there is to know about running your own business?

There is so much that goes into being a solopreneur, + often times we don’t realize how much it takes to run a business + work with our dream clients.

If this resonates with you, I want you to know that you don’t have to stay feeling overwhelmed.

🌿 Here’s what’s possible for you:

Recieve deeper clarity on your vision, ideal client, goals, service offerings, + other necessary business foundations so you can feel confident + excited as a solopreneur. The goal is to make every element of your business as clear + straightforward as possible, ensuring that how you work in + on your business is (almost!) easy.

Market, sell + deliver your services from a place of confidence + excitement without feeling sleazy or awkward. We’ll ensure that you are marketing from a place that builds off of your God-given personality, sell your services with integrity and love, + deliver your services to your dream clients with joy + excitement.

Have a trusted mentor in your corner (+ pocket!) to walk alongside you every step of the way: Intentional strategy + tactic design, implementation support + accountability, feedback on everything you write + design, + so much more.

More time to live a life of intention outside of your laptop. Whether it be family, homeschooling little ones, another job, caregiving, or ministry, we’ll work together to ensure your business fits well into your life (+ not the other way around).

Tackle your biggest mindest struggles from a biblical perspective as you walk out your journey as a Christian solopreneur. As Christians, everything we do is sanctifying; being a solopreneur is no different. I’ll be there to support you in this, pointing you to the One who loves you + has your eternity in mind.

Here’s what we can work on together:

Pst… You choose! Just one, or everything below:

You + Your Goals + Your Vision

Regardless of your business or marketing needs, we will take an intentional look at your personality to help guide various aspects of your business to ensure that your business thrives off of your God-given personality.

We will also look at your unique life to ensure your business fits well into your life (+ not the other way around). Whether it be another job, a chronic health condition, homeschooling little ones, caregiving, or ministry, we’ll work together to ensure your business works for the unique life the Lord has given you.

Finally, we will define + establish your goals + vision, crafting a targeted plan that goes well beyond our time together.

Offer + Audience + Messaging

We’ll ensure that your offer(s) serves both you + your dream clients well in the long run. (Think of it as a win-win!) We will also get crystal clear on who your dream client is, and ensure that your messaging speaks to them in a way that makes them say, “Yes, please!” to your offer.

Personalized, Evergreen Marketing 

Once we ensure that you are clear on your service(s), who they’re for, + how to craft your messaging to reach them, we will create a personalized, evergreen marketing plan that takes both your personality + long-term sustainability into account. You will have a strategy (as well as the necessary tactics, tools, + resources) for every step of the sales funnel, ensuring that you have a well-oiled marketing machine in your business that (almost!) feels easy.

The truth is, all marketing works— It’s just a matter of determining what type of marketing fits your personality + pairing it with intentional strategy + implementation.

Sales Process + Client Experience

When you hear the word “sales”, what comes to mind? Do you worry about being sleazy, or feel awkward talking about your services? I’ll work with you to ensure that you fall in love with the sales process while loving the other person greater than yourself.

We’ll also ensure that you have a smooth sailing + ease-filled client experience, so your dream clients will keep coming back + referring you to others.

Biblical Mindset Support

As your Christian solopreneur mentor, I will take practical + prayerful approaches to support you out of the mindsets that don’t serve you or support your business— Imposter syndrome, overthinking, perfectionism, fear of failure, decision fatigue, guilt for charging for your services, + more.

You can have all of the strategy + accountability in the world, but if you have unhealthy mindsets that hold you back, it will feel so much harder to get unstuck + move forward with confidence + excitement.

Together (+ with the Lord’s help), we will untangle your doubts + fears that are holding you back.

And to be clear, this does not include manifestation or anything else that goes against the word of God.

You may also upgrade your mentorship to include done-for-you content scheduling + website design!

🌿 What your 1:1 support looks like:

📌 Monthly 90-Minute Calls

After your personalized onboarding, we will meet virtually once a month during your personal meeting time. These 1:1 video calls will consist of strategizing, auditing, mindset support, content feedback, or a combo of whatever you need that particular week. In other words, you will leave each call with exactly what you need.

Following each call, I will email you the highlights of what we talked about, your recommended next steps, + any additional support or resources you may need to succeed as you walk out what we discussed.

📌 Weekly Check-Ins + 📌 Daily Voxer Support (Tuesdays - Fridays)

By having me available on Voxer, you can think of this as having a business mentor + marketing strategist in your back pocket. This ensures that you are never without support during your 1:1 mentoring + you don’t have to wait until your next call to ask questions, receive support, or get feedback on your content.

This is for you if you:
✔️ Are an online service provider (coach, consultant, virtual assistant, copywriter, website designer, etc.)
✔️ Are motivated to take action in your business to reach your goals
✔️ Are open to being mentored + are excited to receive personalized feedback
✔️ Understand that the fruit of your work is directly correlated with you taking consistent, strategy-based action (as well as the Lord’s will + timing)

This might not be for you if you:
✖️ Want someone else to do all the work for you
✖️ Are looking for a quick fix or want to become an overnight success
✖️ Want a business mentor to use manifesting (or anything else rooted in New Age or New Thought) with you

What others are saying:

Having Bri’s perspective was invaluable to me. She is committed to helping you find what works for you and your situation.

I tend to be an overthinker and a perfectionist, and Bri was able to support and guide me through some of those challenges.

Since working with Bri, I’ve had some mindset shifts regarding perfection and I already have 200% more leads than I had before working with her.

Bri was also great about asking how she could pray for me; I really appreciate the level of faith she incorporated in her work.”

Anna Scovel
Website Designer

“Bri thoroughly prepared when working with me, diving into what I needed— even though I didn’t really know what that was.

She was attentive, gathered even more info, and delivered a marketing strategy that could be easily followed. She has a deep love for the Lord and she intertwines Him with her skills.

Since working with Bri, I gained more subscribers, my Facebook page and YouTube channel are rapidly growing, I sold out my offers very quickly, I have more interaction on my Facebook Lives than ever before, and I have more interaction inside my VIP group, which is huge!

My confidence has grown so much. My organization is better, and I can focus better knowing I am more organized.”

Lisa Cannon
Crafting Community Leader

The Nitty-Gritty Details

Personalized Onboarding
Daily Voxer Support
Weekly Check-Ins
Monthly 90-Minute 1:1 Calls (6)

Call Notes + Actionable Next Steps
Content + Creative Work Feedback
Strategy Development
Implementation Support
Mindset Support

$3,150 in full or 6x $525 or 9x $350

Optional Done-For-You Add-Ons:
Content Scheduling (Starting at $225/month)
(You create, I schedule: Social Media, Email Marketing, Blog Posts)

4-Page Squarespace Website ($2,100)
(You provide the copy, I provide the design + user experience)

Have questions? I have answers!

  • Mentoring + coaching serve distinct purposes:

    Mentoring focuses on providing strategic guidance + support. As a mentor, I offer actionable strategies + solutions based on my experience + knowledge, helping you achieve your business + marketing goals. Mentors are strategists who have extensive knowledge + experience on a matter, offering practical solutions + support.

    Coaching, however, emphasizes personal reflection + growth. A coach guides you to uncover your own answers through deep questioning, fostering self-discovery + helping you explore your thoughts + beliefs. Coaches are accredited individuals who have gone through a coaching certification process.

    While mentoring offers hands-on, experience-based guidance, coaching facilitates a reflective process for personal development. Both are valuable, depending on whether you seek strategic direction or self-exploration to reach your goals.

  • Yes! If you're a client (past or current) of mine who refers a friend who books + completes a clarity call with me, you get a free 30-minute mentoring call on the topic of your choosing.

    Just make sure they mention you during their clarity call, + I will reach out to book your free call.

  • After four months, you may renew for continued:

    Daily Voxer Support
    Weekly Check-Ins
    Monthly 90-Minute 1:1 Calls

    ✓ Content + Creative Work Feedback
    ✓ Strategy Development
    ✓ Mindset Support
    ✓ Implementation Support
    ✓ Actionable, Guided Steps

  • No problem! You can go ahead + send me any questions you have by emailing me at hello@bridunavan.com.

    If you have more than one or want to talk about your questions, you can book a clarity call here.

Not quite ready for private mentoring? Grab my free marketing course!

📌 If you’re a Christian solopreneur who is feeling overwhelmed when it comes to marketing + want a simplified (yet highly effective) marketing plan, this free course is for you!

🌿 In my free course, Simplified Marketing Confidence, I will teach you the foundational elements of an overwhelm-free marketing plan so you can feel confident in your marketing efforts + sign more of your dream clients. (Who doesn’t want that?)

✝️ I also share nuggets of biblical encouragement with each element, ensuring that you are being supported well outside of your marketing, especially as a Christian solopreneur.